Saturday, June 2, 2012

Your Personal Computer: the greatest weapon against ignorance!

Today I read a posting in which the original author had written:

For the record, Facebook does NOT dis-allow link posting. However, Facebook will block links from being posted which have been previously reported as scams, spam or viruses. It's mind-boggling that people make up shit and then have the audacity to post it!!! Do they think no one will challenge them?

Red Flag #1!

Apart from the glaring half-truth about FB links, the enticing buy-line, "I finally found something that REALLY WORKS!!!" really jumped out at me. As my Mom always says, if it's too good to be true, it usually is! Plain and simple, most get rich and work from home schemes are scams! They prey on people's desperation and exploit people's desire to get something for nothing. Furthermore, if an opportunity were truly worthwhile and/or legitimate, then the details would be shared openly and publicly.

Red Flag #2!

On a daily basis, I see so many sites/emails/articles/posts/comments that are scams, spam, hijacks, phishers or viruses, I can smell the pitfall from a mile away! I have a keen bullshit detector and know how to use it! As a person of integrity and as an IT professional, I feel it is my duty to warn others of potentially harmful issues. With facts and data, I breakdown the erroneous/harmful information and give pointers on how to protect oneself. I also address the harm of re-posting/promoting/liking such scams, spam, viruses, phishing sites. I share my qualified opinion backed by facts and with good conscience knowing I'm doing my utmost to educate, inform and empower people. Many people thank me and help by spreading the information, paying it forward to others!

Shortly after I posted this short rebuttal to the person's post, my comment was deleted:
Facebook doesn't limit link posting. However, Facebook will block links from being posted which have been previously reported as scams, spam or viruses. 
Most "work from home" advertisements are scams..buyer beware! If anything seems too good to be true, it probably is. If an opportunity were truly worthwhile and/or legitimate, then the details would be shared openly and publicly about it.
Since it's not my FB page, it is certainly the person's prerogative to delete my comment. Obviously this person doesn't want others to know the truth in order to make an informed decision about their work from home opportunity that "REALLY WORKS!!!". Interestingly enough, according to the FB page, this person is a Christian. So much for the truth setting one free! ;}

I'm convinced of a several things:
#1 - There's a sucker born every minute...and every 30 seconds, there is also a snake-oil salesman born to try to take advantage of suckers. That's how they make a living. Duh!

#2 - "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." Whether the quote was originally said by Sydney J. Harris, John Kennedy, Eldridge Cleaver, Charles Rosner, or even John McClane/Bruce Willis from the movie "Die Hard", the Truth of the quote is profoundly simple!

#2 - I think some people enjoy living in ignorance because it feels "safe" or "comfortable". Stepping out of ignorance, means to challenge what is known and not known. Challenge means growth. Growth means change. And with change comes responsibility. Responsibility to live with integrity with oneself, with others, with one's community. To do otherwise, is harmful...

#3 - I've said this before and I'll say it a million times more: The greatest, most powerful, smartest computer is the one between our ears! I earn my living by providing IT support to people of all walks of life. My truly greatest sense of accomplishment is empowering people how to use their Personal Computer...the one between their ears!